Ca va, alright there, tudo bem?
My name is Shaun, and let me begin by saying how lovely it is of you to join us!

There’s always been a bit of a naturalist and a traveller in me: from a young age, I got to know about the wonders of the world through David Attenborough documentaries, and started seeing it for myself through various ways: hikes around my native Scotland, family holidays across the channel and eventually going off on my own backpacking trips.

True to younger Shaun, almost every one of those trips was motivated by the pursuit of wildlife. And as I hit the road more, I began to notice a few things: wildlife wasn’t covered much by travel blogs, and I was picking up all sorts of tidbits of info that my month-ago self would have benefitted from knowing. Around the same time, I was thinking of getting in on the travel blogging game myself.
All this led to a brief stint in technology content marketing, and now I’m going all-out on travel blogging.
Hope you find something useful/ entertaining on here!